Thompson, Galenson and Associates, LLC
U.S. Citizen
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering: M.I.T., 1963
Master of Business Administration: Harvard University, 1965
1965-1968 The Badger Co. Inc, Cambridge, MA
Project Engineer in design/construction in the U.S. and in Western Europe.
1968-1973 Policy and Budget Analyst in the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT). Member of team that created Amtrak. Reviewed and refocused the Northeast Corridor Transportation Project.
1973-1978 Richard J. Barber Associates, Washington, DC. Economic and financial issues associated with transportation regulation, particularly rail, and anti-trust issues.
1978-1986 Federal Railroad Administration, US DOT: Director, Northeast Corridor Improvement Project (NECIP), managed the NECIP, $2.5 billion upgrading of rail service between Boston, New York City and Washington.
Associate Administrator for Intercity Services, managed the review of the Amtrak budget, supervised high-speed rail studies and continued to manage the NECIP.
Associate Administrator, Passenger and Freight Services, supervised NECIP, Amtrak budget, and all FRA assistance programs to freight railways.
Acting Associate Administrator for Policy, supervised Agency policy development. Acting Deputy Administrator, (4 months).
Administrator’s Awards for Outstanding Performance (2) and for Excellence in Promoting Opportunities for Minority Businesses (1). Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Performance. Presidential Award for Outstanding Performance.
1986 – 2003, The World Bank. As Railways Adviser, reviewed the Bank’s entire railway activities. Worked in all Bank regions, with particular attention to Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, China, India and the CEE and CIS countries. Led concessioning of railways in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia, and Brazil. Advised in concessioning in Guatemala, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Egypt and Pakistan, among others.
Advised in rail private sector involvement in Estonia, Poland, Romania, Panama and Mexico. Advised in public sector railway restructuring in China, Russia and India.
World Bank President’s Award for Excellence for leading the concessioning of railways.
Only two or three of these awards are made per year. Spoke and published extensively on U.S. and international rail freight and passenger issues. Served as member and then Chairman, TRB Committee reviewing R&D programs of the Federal Railroad Administration.
2003 to present Principal, Thompson, Galenson and Associates (TGA). TGA is a consulting firm working with public and commercial clients on railway and transport issues in the U.S. and worldwide. Consulting assignments have included:
Private client. Forecast of rail traffic, freight and passenger, for all countries of the world in support of an IEA worldwide energy use forecast through the year 2050.
World Bank. Restructuring of the rail system in Russia, including freight, intercity passenger and commuter rail services.
World Bank. Study of rail restructuring issues in China, including regulation, system structure and role of the private sector.
World Bank. Review of rail restructuring plans in India and Bangladesh.
World Bank. Analysis of the British Railway privatization and lessons for the World Bank and its clients.
European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT). Study of rail structure and regulatory issues in Russia. A later report updates the status of reform in Russia.
ECMT: study of rail infrastructure access charges in the ECMT Member States.
ECMT: study of experience and prospects for franchising rail systems in Europe.
ECMT: study of the data needs for improved rail regulation.
OECD: study of the need for rail freight infrastructure investment 2005 – 2030. Community of European Railways (CER). Chapter in book on rail restructuring issues worldwide as part of a book on rail restructuring in the EU countries. Private client. Analysis of options of Amtrak reform.
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA): study of ownership options for the NEC infrastructure.
Estonia: Court expert in infrastructure access charge litigation.
European Union: invited member of IMPRINT-NET railway experts advising the Commission on railway infrastructure access issues.
World Bank: member of expert team analyzing structure issues of the South African network industries.
World Bank: revised and updated the Bank’s worldwide railway database.
World Bank: member of expert team advising Chilean Government on restructuring railway system in Chile.
World Bank: member of expert team advising Uruguayan Government on restructuring railway system in Uruguay.
World Bank: member of expert team advising Mexican Government on implementing suburban passenger rail systems in Mexico City.
Japan Institute for Transportation Studies (ITPS): analysis of demand and costs for high speed rail in the U.S. in 11 major corridors.
ECMT: Study of policy and technical innovation in rail 2010 to 2050. With CPCS Transcom, adviser to Government of Canada on comparing performance of VIA with other rail passenger services worldwide.
Vice-President and Director, Board of Directors of the Railroad Research Foundation (RRF), the research planning and administration arm of the Association of American Railroads (AAR).
Member, Peer Review Group, California High Speed Rail Authority. The group will review plans for the High Speed Rail project and provide comments and advice to the Governor and the Legislature.
Extensive publications on rail and transport issues posted on website.